Beneath the Surface: Environmental Wins from Tank Removal

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Overview of Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

Underground storage tanks or USTs are usually large metal tanks that store things like oil or fuel most of the time. On paper, it sounds like a pretty good idea, saving valuable real estate space by having an underground fuel storing system. That is how most gas stations store their fuel. The issue is that when these underground storage systems were first used, the bare steel would eventually corrode and cause whatever was being stored in the tank to leak out and contaminate the soil and water in the surrounding area, causing harm to plant, animal, and human life around it. With the significant issues posed by their presence, 3 Kings proudly offers UST and HOT removal in Seattle and Vancouver.

Significance of discussing USTs’ environmental impact

AS mentioned above, USTs are often used for the storage of petroleum products like oil or gas. When the tanks corrode or deteriorate over the years, the soil absorbs the often harmful chemicals, killing plant life and posing hazards to the immediate ecosystem. Beyond that, a leaking storage tank poses a serious threat to contaminating the groundwater that the local population depends on. Besides the threat of poisoning the natural resources, an underground storage tank with petroleum products is a threat for fires or possibly even explosions given the right conditions.


The Risks of Leaving Underground Storage Tanks Untouched

Potential for leaks and contamination

If you discover an underground storage tank on your property, the longer it remains there, the more likely it is to corrode to the point of leaking into the nearby soil and groundwater. After discovering an UST you should seek to get it removed to avoid damage to your own property as well as the surrounding ecosystem.

Impact on local ecosystems

If left untouched these underground tanks will most likely erode to the point of leaking eventually. This can destroy the living things around it including the plants as well as the animals that eat those contaminated plants and so on. It is up to us to act as stewards of the environments that we are responsible for and do our best to minimize our negative impacts.

Health risks to communities

Groundwater accounts for the water source for nearly half of the population. The contamination of our groundwater could lead to illness or harm if it isn’t caught before ingested. Even if the contamination is noticed and is caught before people are exposed, it could lead to water shortages and drought which lead to their own set of issues in a community.


Immediate Environmental Benefits of UST Removal

Prevention of soil and water contamination

In order to protect yourself, your home or business, as well as the surrounding environment safe from UST leakage, having them removed as soon as possible is the best course of action. There are a series of steps required by local and federal guidelines before the UST can be removed. 3 Kings Environmental is experienced with the process and can help every step of the way in order to prevent contamination.

Reduction in toxic exposure to wildlife and humans

We are exposed to several potentially harmful chemicals and substances on a daily basis, but removing a UST can help reduce the amount of exposure to these toxic hazards. For many harmful substances, the effects are not immediate, but steady exposure makes the consequences more likely and oftentimes more dire as well.

Improvement in air quality

Even though a UST is mainly underground by definition, it can still affect the quality of the air you breathe when you are around it. IF it has corroded to the point of leaking its contents into the soil and water nearby, it is also getting into the air through water vapors. After it rains and the water seeps into the soil, it becomes contaminated prior to evaporating. That evaporating polluted water can also negatively impact the quality of the air.


Long-term Environmental Benefits of UST Removal

Restoration of ecosystems

After a UST has been removed, whether it was leaking or not, local plant and animal life will be more likely to thrive in the area. After removal and soil testing the area can eventually be used for agriculture or livestock even.

Reduced risk of future pollution incidents

Whether or not you are using public groundwater, a private natural spring, or your own well, USTs are a threat to the purity and quality of that water. By removing them before they start leaking, you can help protect the source of your water. Even if they have already leaked, that soil can be removed and properly disposed of as well, giving the area a chance to start fresh.

Contribution to sustainability and environmental protection efforts

As we are learning, there is not as much as we can do to reverse negative environmental impacts as many of us would like. However, we are finding more and more ways to prevent doing unnecessary damage to the environment and natural resources we depend on. The preemptive removal of USTs is one of them. If you are worried about the expense of UST removal, then there are local and federal assistance programs to help fund their removal since it is truly in the best interest of the whole population.



Summary of environmental benefits

To summarize, underground storage tanks, or USTs, can be found all over the United States in various sizes and conditions. Most of these, especially older ones, threaten the local ecosystem because of the chances of the tanks deteriorating and eventually leaking. By being proactive about removing old USTs, we can protect our soil, groundwater, air quality, and property value in one fell swoop.

Address UST and HOT Issues Today

When it comes to removing the thousands of decommissioned underground storage tanks around the country it will take a joint effort between local and federal governments, citizens, and companies that know how to safely and ethically remove the potential hazards. Local and federal governments have allotted funds to help with the removal of USTs in Vancouver, and we at 3 Kings Environmental have the resources and experience required to safely and effectively remove them. That just leaves the citizens the role of being vigilant and coming forth with any suspected USTs that they might come in contact with.

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